Feeling and Controling Energy

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Feeling and Controling Energy Empty Feeling and Controling Energy

Post by Xedoc 24.08.10 22:00

Greetings Community.

Sometime ago i found very difficult feeling and controlling energies. I just couldn't feel energies at all, but i knew i could send it to another people when i wanted because the results were positive but, what i felt at that time was kind of poor energies, like low movements of my energies. Also, i never had much patience for meditation. So i started to search on the internet for solutions to my problems and i've found a lot of interesting articles that helped me a lot. So i thought it could be interesting sharing with people some kind of FAQ who have this similar problem.

First of all, there are many names for Ka energy. Some people call it life energy, vital energy, cosmic, Ki, Chi, God or universal energy. I just call it Ka or Ki. This is the energy that gives us life because it fuels every single process in our bodies.
If you do not meditate and are not that involved spiritually, it is likely that you are not aware of this energy and how it operates inside you. This was my problem before. However when you advance spiritually you can feel the movements of this life giving energy.

Directing energy:

When you become aware of the movements of the Ki in some particular area of your body, you should just focus on that area and then in your mind's eye imagine the energy going into some other area. The energy will go where you direct it to go.
So you should see this energy focused in the area where you sense it to be, and then see it flowing to another area. You can imagine this process as though a semi-transparent colored current flowing into some area in your body, or you can direct this invisible energy into some part of your body without seeing any current. It does not make any difference how you visualize, your intention itself does the trick. Personally i imagine the Ki as pure Electricity but that is just me, you can do whatever you wish or like. Remember you must imagine it at the same time you try to feel it. The connection between the imagination and the feeling will be made with your will and intention of wanting that happens

Pushing objects with Ki:

Yes, but you will not be able to push objects with Ki at once. You will need to learn to concentrate your Ki energy and direct it into the objects which may take a long time. I never could do something like that but i'm sure it must be awesome. You can push the objects using Ki with your intention. There shouldn't be any stray thoughts in your mind except your intention to push the object. You should be completely focused on the object and direct your energy to the object until it moves. When it starts moving, direct its movement with your mind.

Manifesting Desires:

The same energy that pushes objects can be used to manifest your desires. However it's much easier to use Ki to manifest desires than to push objects, about this i'm positive sure. You simply have to slowly focus on your goal and have faith that it will manifest. You need to expect that this manifestation will materialize and be open to any inspiration or ideas. Once you get inspired to do something, do it at once as this may result in quicker manifestation of your desire. Anyone who studied Magic understands what i'm trying to say.

Sending Energy to a Person:

Another person can feel your energy when it's highly focused. To do that, you need to see the energy externally gathering into a ball like some kind of kamehame or rasengan which becomes more and more intensive until it's completely dense with energy. When you achieve this effect, push this ball with your hands into another person and if the energy is concentrated enough, another person will feel the push.

Feeling your own Ki:

Visualize colored energy going from your head heart or palms into the area between them and forming the ball. Firstly hold your palms close to each other and see a small energy ball. The more energy comes from the area you want, the bigger and the denser energy ball becomes. Soon your hands will naturally spread apart to allow the ball to grow ( It takes time, patience and hard work on meditation ). Now try to close the gap between your hands and if you've done this exercise properly, you will not able to do that because you will feel dense energy between your hands pulling them away from each other. When you reach this process, you will understand that no muscle is strong enough compared to this energy.

Boosting the Energy:

You strengthen your chi energy by having positive or negative thoughts and meditating. When you feel Anger and rage you feel strong because your energies are reacting with your feelings. You also can boost this energy by cleansing your seven chakras. To cleanse your chakras you should imagine the Ki visiting each one of them (from root chakra upwards) and making them glow with their colors as well as spinning them. You should breathe deeply when you do this exercise, Oxygen is the more important key to controlling the energies, an appropriate level of glucose is also very important and make sure your chakras spin slowly before finishing this task. If you leave your chakras spinning fast, i believe you may feel exhausted because you will distribute your energy everywhere you go.

Creating a Shield against Negative Energies:

Visualise that you are in a ball of white energy which protects you from the negative influences. Visualise that this shield only allows the thoughts and energy of love, peace and other positivity to enter it. Then make this ball as large as you feel comfortable.

If you want your own protection, a small energy ball will do the work, however if you want your home to be protected, you should make this ball of energy bigger than your home. This protective shield is usually used by psychics to discourage negative entities or by people who astral project, so that their bodies would be safe while they are away. You can also protect yourself this way if you are surrounded by negative people or you think that someone uses your energy (this is usually the case when you feel drained after talking to someone).

Healing with Ki:

Your energy can be used to heal not only yourself, but others too. Simply visualize energy coming from your hands into the area that needs to be healed. Feel this energy healing the area and see the area as healed. The other person or you should feel intensive warmth in that area. This is the way Reiki healers treat illnesses.

The Ki is also used to astral project. When your Ki is very strong and you feel the ripples in your body, you can direct this energy into one part of your body (head or hands) and take it out of your body. This way you can have an OBE (Out of Body Experience).
If you feel that energy movements inside you are too strong, you can learn to evenly distribute this energy. To do that you will have to learn to do some spinal breathing.
Here is the technique you can use for spinal breathing. Imagine that chi energy is going from your root chakra, reaching sacral chakra, solar plexus chakra, going through your heart chakra into your throat chakra and into the third eye chakra and going through the crown chakra outside you and coming back into the root chakra.
In other words, imagine this energy going throughout each of your seven chakras and back. You should repeat this spinal breathing exercise until you feel that you are completely relaxed and do not feel any or just slight energy movements inside you.
This way the energy will be distributed more evenly and you will not get too violent energy movements inside you during meditation. I don't know if it is correct to say this but in my case, when i try to Astral Project myself i feel the energies so violent inside me that doesn't help me relaxing, in some way it touch with my muscle system and i can't relax at all.
The more life energy you get, the more active, focused and uplifted you will become. People get energy when they sleep because they do not think whilst sleeping and therefore this energy can reach them. However you can only get an abundance of this energy through meditation. You can even feel the pressure in your head you get when this energy is entering you.
You will get no diseases if you get enough of this energy because it cleanses impurities in your body including nervous system.
When this universal energy finds some impurity in your body, you will feel the pressure or some other sensation in that particular area of your body. You can even get movements of that body part. For example, some people start involuntarily moving their arms or heads. That only means that the universal energy is cleansing that area of your body.
Although this energy is life giving, many people are not aware of its presence inside them which was my case sometime ago. However the more you know about this energy and the more of it you get, the more benefits you will notice. The only way to get an abundance of this energy is through meditation. When you meditate this energy enters your body through your crown chakra and goes throughout your whole body.
Although it takes a short period of time to learn the basic energy direction, it takes years to learn some of the tricks with this energy. It requires patience. I'm not a very patience person so i really have to focus in my mind that i have to work it.
Also we should have a adequate food regime. I like sometimes eating in MC Donalds for example, but when i eat to much i feel exhausted because my energy is focusing on my stomach and i feel sleepy. When you feel sleepy it means that your body wants to rest to gain more energy to take your energetic system back to normal.

I also found this interesting videos on youtube:



I hope to read the replies about this topic because we are always learning all the time and what i said can be not totally correct.

Anyway i hope that


Number of posts : 29
Location : Portugal
Registration date : 2008-09-07

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Feeling and Controling Energy Empty Re: Feeling and Controling Energy

Post by kalimaab 26.08.10 7:11

Thank you for posting this, i found it really helpful.

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Feeling and Controling Energy Empty Re: Feeling and Controling Energy

Post by Nebibi 26.08.10 20:03

Yes thank you very much for posting this. It was very informative, and thank you for taking the time to post this.

I, have had some similar experiences....the energy rippling within my body and I didnt know I could use this to astrally project...thank you.

Also my head moves by itself during meditation and I didnt know what that was...now I know! thank you again...awesome post.

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Feeling and Controling Energy Empty Re: Feeling and Controling Energy

Post by AndreiaLi 27.08.10 16:05

You sould be careful while "using" the Dark Flame. Don't forget you could end up being almost without energy and feeling weak after "the rush".

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Feeling and Controling Energy Empty Re: Feeling and Controling Energy

Post by Divine 277 28.08.10 2:20

Xedoc wrote:

I also found this interesting videos on youtube:



I haven't done this in a long time ....
Divine 277
Divine 277

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Feeling and Controling Energy Empty Re: Feeling and Controling Energy

Post by Nebibi 27.10.10 7:30

AndreiaLi wrote:You sould be careful while "using" the Dark Flame. Don't forget you could end up being almost without energy and feeling weak after "the rush".

Who were you addressing AndreaLi?

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Feeling and Controling Energy Empty Re: Feeling and Controling Energy

Post by AndreiaLi 27.10.10 17:23

To no one in particular. I was just saying Smile

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Feeling and Controling Energy Empty Re: Feeling and Controling Energy

Post by Akh -Ba 02.11.10 10:15

Thanks Xedoc !
Damn.. this was one mighty good post.

think this is one of those post that everyone can find something usefull from.
Very impressive writing and thoughts.

there is a lot of basic in this post which I can do without a thought, but still a very nice post i especially liked what you said on astral projection and i think i can learn alot from you on the subject.

thank`s again Xedoc
Akh -Ba
Akh -Ba

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