The Astral Plane And Projection.

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The Astral Plane And Projection. Empty The Astral Plane And Projection.

Post by TaurusDevil 25.06.17 7:02

Does the Astral Plane exist and is it easy to project?

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The Astral Plane And Projection. Empty Re: The Astral Plane And Projection.

Post by Maxx 25.06.17 10:25

does the 3D dimension exist and is it easy for one to visit?

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The Astral Plane And Projection. Empty Re: The Astral Plane And Projection.

Post by TaurusDevil 25.06.17 10:31

Maxx wrote:does the 3D dimension exist and is it easy for one to visit?


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The Astral Plane And Projection. Empty Re: The Astral Plane And Projection.

Post by TaurusDevil 25.06.17 10:40

Maxx wrote:does the 3D dimension exist and is it easy for one to visit?

By 3D dimension you mean our current living dimension right?

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The Astral Plane And Projection. Empty Re: The Astral Plane And Projection.

Post by Maxx 25.06.17 11:08

of course.   all of us are half in the physical and the other half in the astral at all times.   Adjust your consciousness or awareness to see where you centrally are at any time.

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The Astral Plane And Projection. Empty Re: The Astral Plane And Projection.

Post by Maxx 25.06.17 11:13

someone asked how one would get more information on the AsetKa. Since they mostly are in a higher dimension, would not it be wise to learn how to maneuver the higher dimensions to learn more about them? Otherwise, you would find it easier to gain info on the ROS as they do more work in this physical dimension to influence. Either way, your best friend would be the higher dimensions or astral plane as many call it.

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The Astral Plane And Projection. Empty Re: The Astral Plane And Projection.

Post by Tempest 25.06.17 20:17

I have to be careful what I say here for my own good more than anything (it's taken a long time to remind myself that my 'physical reality' is better served with a belief in a solid material framework).

Other planes do exist, but you might want to take it slow and/or give yourself limits on when you travel to these places. I restrict myself to when I'm asleep as my mind can deal with any 'unusual' experiences I might have there and not 'snap' on me. If you get to the point where you find yourself drifting in and out of other planes when your mind wanders it can really upset your waking mind. Where as if you see/hear/experience something whilst 'asleep' it just gets put in the "Well that was a interesting dream" part of the brain and won't cause half as much trouble. You know if you're 'somewhere else' or just wandering around inside your own mind, the 'feel' is very different from a dream or even a lucid dream. Like walking out of the house on a chilly night, the entire atmosphere changes.

Hearing/seeing/feeling something when you're awake that 'Isn't there' not only is an epic jump scare, but can also lead to being considered 'mentally ill' if you bother to mention it to anyone who doesn't believe in alternate realities. You might even begin to question your own 'sanity' which slows things down developmentally, though keeping a firm grip on the basic physical principles of so called 'reality' will help the poor linear loving grey matter from having a real fit (psychosis).

As to how to get there, just keep pushing in what ever way you find feels right for you. It's about remembering that you are the door and sooner or later it will swing open. Just be ready Wink

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The Astral Plane And Projection. Empty Re: The Astral Plane And Projection.

Post by Maxx 25.06.17 21:09

that may be excellent advice for some and I am sure it is excellent for yourself.  But may I draw attention to your point of reference,,, which is this physical realm.  Using that center point will make every other dimension foreign, which to my own understanding would have you become fearful and on edge to many things that are not even an actual problem.  Since we are a spiritual being as well as anchored in a physical body which actually makes us foreign here, if we adjust our point of reference as being in the other dimension, we may find we acquire many more new friends than if we looked at it from an earthly view.  Adjust the point of reference and one might actually acquire friends instead of expecting enemies to appear.  

Also, one can never get ahead of their schedule even if we tried, as we are always in the correct time frame in our path of learning.

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The Astral Plane And Projection. Empty Re: The Astral Plane And Projection.

Post by A.Nightside 26.06.17 6:18

Yes, I think.
Depends on the individual., easy for some, not all. I know all of my OBE's and projections were involuntary and at a young age. I've never really been able to control it at will.

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The Astral Plane And Projection. Empty Re: The Astral Plane And Projection.

Post by TaurusDevil 26.06.17 6:23

Maxx wrote:someone asked how one would get more information on the AsetKa.  Since they mostly are in a higher dimension, would not it be wise to learn how to maneuver the higher dimensions to learn more about them?  Otherwise, you would find it easier to gain info on the ROS as they do more work in this physical dimension to influence.   Either way, your best friend would be the higher dimensions or astral plane as many call it.


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The Astral Plane And Projection. Empty Re: The Astral Plane And Projection.

Post by Maxx 26.06.17 7:51

someone you know.

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The Astral Plane And Projection. Empty Re: The Astral Plane And Projection.

Post by Jonathan 26.06.17 8:53

Or are you asking who is ROS?

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The Astral Plane And Projection. Empty Re: The Astral Plane And Projection.

Post by TaurusDevil 26.06.17 9:07

Jonathan wrote:Or are you asking who is ROS?

Yes i'm asking who is ROS?

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The Astral Plane And Projection. Empty Re: The Astral Plane And Projection.

Post by A.Nightside 26.06.17 14:50

TaurusDevil wrote:
Jonathan wrote:Or are you asking who is ROS?

Yes i'm asking who is ROS?

Wish I could answer but nothing's coming to mind atm. Too many acronyms in the Vampire community. @.@

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The Astral Plane And Projection. Empty Re: The Astral Plane And Projection.

Post by Maxx 26.06.17 14:56

ROS has an unlisted number in the vampire community phone book.

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The Astral Plane And Projection. Empty Re: The Astral Plane And Projection.

Post by A.Nightside 26.06.17 15:16

Maxx wrote:ROS has an unlisted number in the vampire community phone book.

Chances are I've heard of it before, but my brain is dead at the moment, been long week.

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The Astral Plane And Projection. Empty Re: The Astral Plane And Projection.

Post by Maxx 26.06.17 15:19

call your local Catholic Priest for the Vatican's central phone number for Pope Francis to see if ROS is in.

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The Astral Plane And Projection. Empty Re: The Astral Plane And Projection.

Post by A.Nightside 26.06.17 15:20

Maxx wrote:call your local Catholic Priest for the Vatican's central phone number for Pope Francis to see if ROS is in.

I wish I had a better sense of humor today, ): I might have laughed at this. I definitely laughed at the previous one.

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The Astral Plane And Projection. Empty Re: The Astral Plane And Projection.

Post by Maxx 26.06.17 15:33

I do not think the Red Order of Set considers themselves comedians.  This is how serious matters are discussed and rumors and ideas about a subject are thrown out there, say for instance, in the VC.  

You have been here for a little while and obviously, have not read any of the material as background and suddenly jump in on a site done in Black and Red useing the word Vampire and call yourself a sort of vampire.  Another uses the word hybrid and human and calls himself a vampire and it appears the same situation.  No one is researching what this site is referring to.  People come in and just say I am family as I am a vampire.   LOL.   I toy with you newbies as it so obvious none of you know what the hell you are talking about.  I am not disturbed at you joining at all, but I would think you might spend some time reading the material here rather than playing video in order to understand there just might be some element out there in the universe that could help you advance somewhat.   But, who knows?  Maybe clown year is 2017.

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The Astral Plane And Projection. Empty Re: The Astral Plane And Projection.

Post by A.Nightside 26.06.17 16:28

Order of Set sounds familiar, not "red" though. lol. I suspect I may be a case of bad memory or false memory here. Razz

I really haven't, I do apologize. I figured the information regarding the Aset Ka and what not was optional. Not all Vampires subscribe to such spiritualities and I do recall one thread where it was mentioned that being part of the Order(s?) is not a requirement for the forum.

I'm not quite as ignorant as you assume. It just seems that "vampire" might mean slightly different things to me versus how you define it.

I never claimed family, and I've been very careful to explain my seperateness from what appears to be the primary active body of members here. If that was not clear, again I apologize.

Oh I do much more than video games, I assure you, I simply said I like them. Are predatory spiritualists not allowed to have hobbies, past times or fun activities? I didnt' realize that passing interests were something worth being mocked for.

I've posted my introduction. Thanks for the disrespect, much appreciated.

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The Astral Plane And Projection. Empty Re: The Astral Plane And Projection.

Post by A.Nightside 26.06.17 16:30

A.Nightside wrote:

I really haven't, I do apologize. I figured the information regarding the Aset Ka and what not was optional. Not all Vampires subscribe to such spiritualities and I do recall one thread where it was mentioned that being part of the Order(s?) is not a requirement for the forum.

I would like to add, but can't find an edit button (perhaps I'm blind), If one is not part of any order, faith or spirituality, and has no interest in becoming part of said organization, and the forum in which they are a member of, does not require members to BE part of said organization, why should one learn information they have no use for, except where I might direct people to that section because clearly they DO have an interest in it..?

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The Astral Plane And Projection. Empty Re: The Astral Plane And Projection.

Post by Maxx 26.06.17 16:39

so one would appear to not have a clue about the topic they are interacting with and yet try to appear they know what they are talking about by declaring they are a vampire. Not a problem, as many come in the door here and do that.

And I try my best to be rude, hateful, and disrespectul, to all the youngsters under a hundred years old that, join the forum. This is the reason they pay me the big bucks....

Number of posts : 4334
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The Astral Plane And Projection. Empty Re: The Astral Plane And Projection.

Post by A.Nightside 26.06.17 16:40

More of that humour, you are a charmer, aren't you Razz

Number of posts : 523
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The Astral Plane And Projection. Empty Re: The Astral Plane And Projection.

Post by Jonathan 26.06.17 20:51

A.Nightside, the Red Order of Seth is an Ancient Egyptian order of vampires, very much like the Aset Ka, although their approaches to magick and spirituality are distinct. Many consider them archenemies of sorts, mostly due to their battles in ancient history, although both are in a sense adversarial in nature.

Also, just commenting on something you said about people being part of the order. We here aren’t members of the Aset Ka or ROS. We’re just independent students defining our own journey. Some do follow the Asetian path as you don’t have to be a member to embrace the spirituality, just like others support the Sethians. It’s a free world!

One thing though, even if one has no interest in being part of any such orders (and many don’t) that doesn’t mean that studying what they teach isn’t fruitful. We’re talking about two very old organizations that wield some of the most fascinating secrets of magickal practice, predatory spirituality and vampirism. The wisdom imparted by every modern group, order or coven pales in comparison. What I'm saying might not make much sense if you're new to the culture but once one digs deeper that will be incredibly clear, although it’s definitely a difficult journey and not many succeed in it (not claiming judgment of your ability just stating it in general).

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The Astral Plane And Projection. Empty Re: The Astral Plane And Projection.

Post by A.Nightside 27.06.17 11:09

Jonathan wrote:A.Nightside, the Red Order of Seth is an Ancient Egyptian order of vampires, very much like the Aset Ka, although their approaches to magick and spirituality are distinct. Many consider them archenemies of sorts, mostly due to their battles in ancient history, although both are in a sense adversarial in nature.

Also, just commenting on something you said about people being part of the order. We here aren’t members of the Aset Ka or ROS. We’re just independent students defining our own journey. Some do follow the Asetian path as you don’t have to be a member to embrace the spirituality, just like others support the Sethians. It’s a free world!

One thing though, even if one has no interest in being part of any such orders (and many don’t) that doesn’t mean that studying what they teach isn’t fruitful. We’re talking about two very old organizations that wield some of the most fascinating secrets of magickal practice, predatory spirituality and vampirism. The wisdom imparted by every modern group, order or coven pales in comparison. What I'm saying might not make much sense if you're new to the culture but once one digs deeper that will be incredibly clear, although it’s definitely a difficult journey and not many succeed in it (not claiming judgment of your ability just stating it in general).

Thank you for your response. It makes some sense. Since my conversation with Maxx, I have been reading a bit more in those subforums, but haven't got very far. I found my way to the Vampirism description on the Aset Ka page, I think I read that once before years ago. I actually enjoyed and related with a majority of what it said, though some smaller details I disagree with. Not sure if that's just a result of bias based on teaching/understanding I've built up for years or simply that such details simply don't apply to my perception of vampirism, or my personal experience of vampirism period.

Number of posts : 523
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