Onward (A Poem)

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Onward (A Poem) Empty Onward (A Poem)

Post by UnseenUndine 11.04.20 22:51

Upon a Hill, I made an ally whose name was modest but all intent
Wisdom was a vice of his, misery being a known effect of Knowledge
In his lair of visionary essence, I sought and found an abysmal sorrow
From Which Dwells All, a Darkness cries
Upon revolving duality, a crazing energy divided upon itself
Spiraling around itself, it engulfs itself
“Where are we?”
“A place beyond Our existence.”
Transmuted into Light and Darkness, these energies efficiently told a story to each other:
Crying out a Scream in Bliss, crying out a Scream in Sorrow,
they Bless each other in Cold Hearted Love, Apologizing by Fire
Homo sapiens repeat this process within the psyche;
a microcosmic display of Self vs. Shadow in a game of Soul v. Material
Homo sapiens repeat this process within the psyche;
the Self loves the Shadow and the Shadow Hates the Self in a game of Soul partaking Desire
Upon the Light, you project imperfect reflections of qualities that don’t exist
Upon the Dark, you project confusion of Identity
Come out into the Light, and you will refuse to find answers hidden Beyond it
Bordering the Darkness, Light finds a Veil; combine yourself with the molecules of your counterpart as Light meets with Darkness
“Why should you fight for something that is dying?”
“Do you not have the Right to Love what is lying to your face?”
We should fight for the World for it lives upon our Heaven
Upon Darkness lives Light:
Hanging like a bat, Darkness does skirt from the Light that lives just beyond its reach
Touching, these energies spike in peak and force each other through the other
“I’ll speak of this once more,” it spoke, and as it did, a Vision came:
“Of None came One, and One plus One, which Multiplied to Become what Became of the World.”
Evolution evolved, unfolding a species unto the Likeliness of the Gods
Thrice Great was my ally, who showed me this vision, as the stars shone bright in the Night, symbols blazing upon the Fire burning within them
The elements were formed from the essence of Nothingness; from them was Matter manifest
One Light became Two Lights: two became a spiraling vortex of Love and Pain
Who would win?
It’s the battle still fought in the Microprosopus, Who reflects the perfection of the Macroprosopus imperfectly


Number of posts : 77
Location : Springfield, Missouri
Registration date : 2017-09-14

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Onward (A Poem) Empty Re: Onward (A Poem)

Post by MysticLightShinethForth 12.04.20 2:03

A very beautiful poem with profound meaning. Smile

Here's one of my poems:


"I am nothing;
the demon inside
that speaks.
Today is to die.
Today is to be reborn.
Today is to live.
To die, to be reborn, to live.
I shall rise, to conquer land and sea;
I shall rise in my pride to conquer all.
I, Lucifer, shall do this.
To die at my hands to be reborn into my kingdom.
And the torch of Light shall be yours.
And the Light shall guide your path.
The darkness shall descend upon all.
To vanquish all. To descend with all thine rage,
with all thine fury incarnate. So shall it be, and so must it be."

I'm a strange fellow. Still trying to make proper sense out of this poem of some year old. scratch

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Onward (A Poem) Empty Re: Onward (A Poem)

Post by Naoom 12.04.20 2:11

Where did you find this poem?? This poem was written by Heruset who had shared this with me years ago. This is wrong

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Onward (A Poem) Empty Re: Onward (A Poem)

Post by Naoom 12.04.20 2:16

Ok, nevermind. He explained that you asked for permission and all after editing it.

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Onward (A Poem) Empty Re: Onward (A Poem)

Post by Maxx 12.04.20 6:52

sounds like Saturn in the eighth house. lol

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Onward (A Poem) Empty Re: Onward (A Poem)

Post by Troublemaker 12.04.20 15:43

This masterpiece inspired me to write something of my own.

I like cheese 
You know what that means 
Let's not be extreme 
Cheese is supreme 
Not trying to be mean 
But if you don't have cheese 
Go away please

Okay, sorry admins, I'll try to be more serious now.... But really, where the hell do they all come from???

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Onward (A Poem) Empty Re: Onward (A Poem)

Post by Naoom 12.04.20 15:58

Rhea Kaye wrote:This masterpiece inspired me to write something of my own.

I like cheese 
You know what that means 
Let's not be extreme 
Cheese is supreme 
Not trying to be mean 
But if you don't have cheese 
Go away please

Okay, sorry admins, I'll try to be more serious now.... But really, where the hell do they all come from???

This is simply brilliant Razz LOL

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Onward (A Poem) Empty Re: Onward (A Poem)

Post by Maxx 12.04.20 17:15

Even Uncle Fester rings the approval bell.

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Onward (A Poem) Empty Re: Onward (A Poem)

Post by UnseenUndine 12.04.20 20:40

I shared this in the right section of the forum.

It is off topic and posted here,

for beings to enjoy reading, criticizing, or throwing it out.


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Onward (A Poem) Empty Re: Onward (A Poem)

Post by UnseenUndine 13.04.20 20:56

Art is never found in ego.


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Onward (A Poem) Empty Re: Onward (A Poem)

Post by Maxx 13.04.20 22:29

I guess you have some other reason for plagiarism then.

But I did not compliment you Heroset.

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Onward (A Poem) Empty Re: Onward (A Poem)

Post by Maxx 13.04.20 22:33

btw. your attitude is one of discord coming here and that certainly is why you showed up. But being you are dual/Heroset and pulled that stunt about posting private stuff for blackmail, you will never be accepted here.

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Onward (A Poem) Empty Re: Onward (A Poem)

Post by UnseenUndine 13.04.20 23:32

While Heruset is the original author of the poem, I had permission to post it and the poem itself is public domain.


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Location : Springfield, Missouri
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Onward (A Poem) Empty Re: Onward (A Poem)

Post by Troublemaker 13.04.20 23:43

Lovely. So not only are you pathetically showboating, as Maxx pointed out, but you are also not showing the originality or intelligence to post your own words or content. 
The thing about people competent enough to understand magick is that they are usually able to think and write for themselves as well.
You're definitely not impressing anyone. The only thing you're accomplishing here is putting on a pathetic show of ego. 
If you are not Heruset, which I highly doubt but let's humor that, you're certainly not displaying any base mental presence. Being a puppet or vector for someone's egocentric delusions of grandeur and tryhard-sounding poetry is almost worse than being a sockpuppet account.

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Onward (A Poem) Empty Re: Onward (A Poem)

Post by UnseenUndine 13.04.20 23:52

Dear Criticaster, that was not my intention at all.

As I understood it, the “off topic” section included non magickal ideas and discussions.

It is the right place to discuss artworks.

I appreciated the art that Heruset shared with me. People might wish to discuss it. It doesn’t have to be you. People criticize and praise, neither are of importance. The content is rather the focus of discussion here.


Number of posts : 77
Location : Springfield, Missouri
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Onward (A Poem) Empty Re: Onward (A Poem)

Post by Troublemaker 13.04.20 23:59

I believe calling this art is a bit of a stretch, in much the same way that the banana taped to an exhibit wall was considered an artwork. 
Either way, it still speaks volumes about your intelligence level and ability to contribute meaningful content that one of your first posts was something you didn't even write.

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Onward (A Poem) Empty Re: Onward (A Poem)

Post by UnseenUndine 14.04.20 0:02

From what Heruset has shared, your friend Naoom praised it a few times and wanted him to share it when they were close friends.

His praise went ignored. As will your criticisms.


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Onward (A Poem) Empty Re: Onward (A Poem)

Post by Maxx 14.04.20 0:07

Naoom has come back from very far away. He is to be commended. And as I stated earlier, you are more involved with the black syrup than you tried to let on earlier. But I will commend you for a very small amount of honesty coming forth even if it was hard work admitting you were caught in the web.

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Onward (A Poem) Empty Re: Onward (A Poem)

Post by Troublemaker 14.04.20 0:13

And from what he has shown us here, he is not the force of knowledge or power that he tried to pretend to be. Of course, the energy has shown that for an exceedingly long time, the physical just takes a while to catch up. Wink He has been identified for what he is a long time ago. 
Using private conversations in an abusive manner on an open forum in a pathetic attempt to discredit someone else, sending a puppet here to regurgitate rainbow letters. People who aren't smart or balanced enough to actually solve their own issues without resorting to vile tactics totally lacking in honor aren't exactly people to take seriously. 
So I suppose if that's the kindergarten angle you wish to take, that this individual is so untouched by criticism, by all means go ahead, but the actions definitely spoke louder than the pretentious words. People who are so untouched by criticism don't act in such dishonorable and immature ways. 
This forum definitely doesn't need any more drama but I will not quit standing up for what is right.

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Onward (A Poem) Empty Re: Onward (A Poem)

Post by Troublemaker 14.04.20 0:16

Also, Naoom has come a very long way indeed. 
I must venture to say that he is surely a very nice person and good friend if he would be supportive and kind toward that "poem", as I'd be more inclined to add a big juicy hairball to the word salad.

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Onward (A Poem) Empty Re: Onward (A Poem)

Post by Maxx 14.04.20 0:17

Do not forget the cheese.

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Onward (A Poem) Empty Re: Onward (A Poem)

Post by UnseenUndine 14.04.20 0:21

You are the only one creating drama.

“What is right” is subjective.

I am not close to the problem. Naoom’s jealousy and Heruset’s boasting are the sources of their problem.

I do not do anyone’s bidding. I shared for discussion as I mentioned several times.

Heruset may have done offensive things but you are all committing disgusting acts to me that resemble stoning of witches. I don’t know you. Mob his posts. Mob his private messages.

I shared the poem for its symbolism and meaning and to discuss that. Not to praise or criticize it.


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Onward (A Poem) Empty Re: Onward (A Poem)

Post by Maxx 14.04.20 0:22

Goodnight, everyone. I have an appointment.

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Onward (A Poem) Empty Re: Onward (A Poem)

Post by Troublemaker 14.04.20 0:43

Interesting behavior of sheer entitlement here. No one is mobbing you. You posted this for "discussion". Well, here it is, being discussed. No one is obligated to appreciate your posts or anything you contribute. Respect is not automatically warranted to you, it is earned. Your presence here has been drama and your contributions fairly meaningless. When people come here merely to bloat their own egos, they generally tend to have a hard time. 
One thing I can't stand is when people lack originality or the ability to have free thought yet expect others to treat them with any degree of respect. As far as your attempt to separate responsibility between you and Heruset, I'll consider you the same person whether you are or not given that you have only shown yourself to be a mere puppet. A pawn pawned by another pawn, attempting to wear the frame of an emperor. 
Freedom involves both sides of the coin. It's a forum where people are free to express what they think. This means shedding your bloated, pretentious expectations. The people reading are not NPCs that you can click on and get a canned response of positivity. Chances are that idiocy or showboating will be spotted with a fair amount of ease and called out for what it is. 
Now, some might look at any engagement as pointless. I beg to differ. Just as you are free to pollute the forum with egoic word vomit shrouded in rainbows, others are also free to speak their mind unabashedly. 
If you wanted actual discussion you could have approached this place with a lot more honesty and respect, and the basic dignity involved with doing real work as an occult student. At present, you are certainly not showing that. If you want to get anywhere you should drop your pretentiousness and ego, otherwise the renewal of the Fool will be very far out of your decaying reach.

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Onward (A Poem) Empty Re: Onward (A Poem)

Post by Heruset 14.04.20 0:51

I doubt Unseen is trying to fit into the scene.

I think you are having a hard time accepting your lack of dominance and magickal wit and projecting it onto my friend solely because your secret or not-so-secret lover said that UnseenUndine was me... and that they were plagiarizing me... so he accused me basically of plagiarizing myself. It doesn’t make sense since we are working on something together and he knew.

Biases will be biases.
Egos will be egos.

I won’t bow down to you Rhea. You are not a Queen but more of a Quinn.

All you are doing is making his mental state worse and maybe you’ll see it too late.


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