Question with some comment (Temple of the Vampire)

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Lycian Akhkharu
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Question with some comment (Temple of the Vampire) - Page 5 Empty Re: Question with some comment (Temple of the Vampire)

Post by Maxx 18.12.16 17:10

First off, to clarify, the start of the post was made, I believe, in the year of 2008.  So much has changed since then.   You can use your mental makeup to enhance the fill in the blanks section.  lol.

Secondly, There are some here within these confines, that live delusional lives daily and cannot tell the difference between reality and nonreality and that type of organization.   I must say, that if you questioned his statement at all, then your gut reaction is leading you toward what is true or what is untrue. You knew the difference immediately when you read it.  

And in answer to that question, my direct response is ....   no, that is not true.  Nemo covets your money.  lol.   As well as many of the adepts there.  for instance, I can give names but will not, of those that are in dire need of funds and cannot make it materialize on this level.  One is or was gravely ill and could not work while another was having a mental breakup or breakdown (noone knew which, ha), while another was having lawsuits filed against her...etc.  As I have stated.  None in that bunch are Vampires at all.

I hope that answers the question for you.

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Question with some comment (Temple of the Vampire) - Page 5 Empty Re: Question with some comment (Temple of the Vampire)

Post by Naoom 19.12.16 1:19

I don't feel the need to prove that Nemo was or is still an admin.Maxx threatened me to post my pm's but my answers were too rational for him to take a stand against me.If you people had solid knowledge about vampires you would know my claims about maxx are totally legit.

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Question with some comment (Temple of the Vampire) - Page 5 Empty Re: Question with some comment (Temple of the Vampire)

Post by Nightshade 19.12.16 4:38

The ToV is not a group of vampires. It's just another group of humans who want to become vampires but don't really understand that won't happen. The actual vampires look at all these human groups and don't even bother to intervene.

Real vampires are rare and not concerned with selling memberships.

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Question with some comment (Temple of the Vampire) - Page 5 Empty Re: Question with some comment (Temple of the Vampire)

Post by Naoom 19.12.16 5:46

So you agree with my statement that maxx wad never an adept.

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Question with some comment (Temple of the Vampire) - Page 5 Empty Re: Question with some comment (Temple of the Vampire)

Post by Nightshade 19.12.16 5:57

My comment wasn't about Maxx it was about the ToV. What rank Maxx held at the ToV in the past is irrelevant and only concerns him.

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Question with some comment (Temple of the Vampire) - Page 5 Empty Re: Question with some comment (Temple of the Vampire)

Post by Naoom 19.12.16 6:21

You are correct about that.Still there is a reason Nemo didn't want humans to know what the ToV adepts can do and so he deleted the interveiw with artbell.You can prove to yourself the ToV isn't a human group just by watching jason's howard evil spirits video.The Undead Gods (ToV adepts) make him suffer for many years since he didn't chose to follow the rules of the ToV.

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Question with some comment (Temple of the Vampire) - Page 5 Empty Re: Question with some comment (Temple of the Vampire)

Post by Nightshade 19.12.16 6:32

The Undead Gods of the Temple of the Vampire are little more than fiction, just like Father Sebastiaan’s scam of Elorath in Strigoi Vii. They don’t really exist, were created just to cash on the ignorant. Proof is that many high ranked people left the ToV, Strigoi Vii and similar groups but nothing happened to them. The ToV has no power at all. It’s just a silly illusion for the non adepts. Everyone discovers that sooner or later. It’s just like House Kheperu where Michelle goes on television claiming all sorts of powers but those close to her say that in reality she can’t do a thing with magick. lol

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Question with some comment (Temple of the Vampire) - Page 5 Empty Re: Question with some comment (Temple of the Vampire)

Post by Naoom 19.12.16 6:34

What are the rituals of the ToV based on then?Fiction?How come noone has ever proved that.

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Question with some comment (Temple of the Vampire) - Page 5 Empty Re: Question with some comment (Temple of the Vampire)

Post by Nightshade 19.12.16 6:45

They have copied stuff from older groups as many others did. Most of it they don’t even know how to use or activate as I have yet to find one adept in any of those groups with real power. It’s always bold claims but nothing substantial in the end. Anyways I don’t really care about the ToV or any of those other spinoff groups. I’m way past that phase. If you believe in all of that that’s fine as well, no one here will tell you what you can or can’t believe. If you further your studies in due time you will understand my point though.

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Question with some comment (Temple of the Vampire) - Page 5 Empty Re: Question with some comment (Temple of the Vampire)

Post by Naoom 19.12.16 6:58

Your claim about the ToV is irration despite the non-contrary information I gave you to support my point of veiw you will always believe the opposite.It is because humans need faith.Many talk about logic but only few understand it.If you ever read all of the ToV books and put them to practical use like I did you would know the opposite.

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Question with some comment (Temple of the Vampire) - Page 5 Empty Re: Question with some comment (Temple of the Vampire)

Post by Jessamine 19.12.16 7:28

George Gosdas wrote:Your claim about the ToV is irration despite the non-contrary information I gave you to support my point of veiw you will always believe the opposite.It is because humans need faith.Many talk about logic but only few understand it.If you ever read all of the ToV books and put them to practical use like I did you would know the opposite.

I was reading your posts, no where did you support your claims with real evidence (maybe I missed it). You are only presenting your point of view. Everyone has one, so stop trying. I get a feeling you are trying to convice someone but I dont know if you are convincing yourself or us?
If you feel a connection with ToV, nobody is holding you back. I belive I can speak for all of us, that we don't care about the ToV, don't care what they are doing, if their teachings work or not, and really plain and simple don't care.

You should read again and try to understand what Nightshade and Maxx are trying to tell you.


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Question with some comment (Temple of the Vampire) - Page 5 Empty Re: Question with some comment (Temple of the Vampire)

Post by Naoom 19.12.16 7:45

I will stop trying to support the ToV.I still think that many in this forum have no critical thinking when it comes to some topics and just accept something as fact.I won't ask anyone to have faith to what I say.If someone knew about the more advanced Vampires he or she would prove my claim about Maxx is true.Do you ask me to prove anything I say?For example I could prove Nemo was an admin even after this post but that would require me to show the private converstation I had with Nemo.

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Question with some comment (Temple of the Vampire) - Page 5 Empty Re: Question with some comment (Temple of the Vampire)

Post by Naoom 19.12.16 7:48

If you spend some time to watch the video I talked about you would know I offer proof sometimes.

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Question with some comment (Temple of the Vampire) - Page 5 Empty Re: Question with some comment (Temple of the Vampire)

Post by Jessamine 19.12.16 7:53

George Gosdas wrote:You can prove to yourself the ToV isn't a human group just by watching jason's howard evil spirits video.The Undead Gods (ToV adepts) make him suffer for many years since he didn't chose to follow the rules of the ToV.

You know sorry but this statement remindes me of when me and my friend were 16 and made a pact with Satan, we even went to a river at night, bathed in it at 5 degrees celsius, wrote our names in blood and all that. And chanted something. And you know what, in the book/bible was written, that if you decide to get out of this "religion" bad things will happen and other threats. And of course a couple of months later we were like oooooh thats bullsh*t and we were both afraid what will happen to us if we quit. But we still quitted and nothing happend.
Because they have no power, they have as much power as you give it to them. And all that happens you bring upon yourself.

You know what I am trying to say?

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Question with some comment (Temple of the Vampire) - Page 5 Empty Re: Question with some comment (Temple of the Vampire)

Post by Naoom 19.12.16 7:56

Maybe then you think the guy on the video is lying.I guess it's not that and you just don't care to prove anything to yourself.

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Question with some comment (Temple of the Vampire) - Page 5 Empty Re: Question with some comment (Temple of the Vampire)

Post by Naoom 19.12.16 8:01

Do you believe that if a ToV adept or any adept of any religion could change the weather would your opinion change his power?We are on a post about the ToV.I posted evidence that support the ToV and you say I never did.What do you want me to do then?Accept others opinions as facts and not support the ToV when there is a reason to?

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Question with some comment (Temple of the Vampire) - Page 5 Empty Re: Question with some comment (Temple of the Vampire)

Post by Jonathan 19.12.16 8:05

I don’t think you’re understanding what Nightshade and Jessamine were trying to explain to you. There are several users in this forum who were members of the ToV for many years with access to all of their teachings. They certainly know what they’re talking about.

Either way the bottom line is that most of us in this community are at a certain level that’s way beyond what the ToV can offer or teach. There’s no point in pushing that agenda otherwise you’re making it sound like you’re a salesman for them.

The truth is that we’re practicing magickal arts and exploring traditions far more advanced. It’s only natural to lose interest in paths of lesser understanding. Still, as it was also mentioned by another, you and everyone is free to pursue what suits your current stage of development.

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Question with some comment (Temple of the Vampire) - Page 5 Empty Re: Question with some comment (Temple of the Vampire)

Post by Naoom 19.12.16 8:09

Ok jonathan.I won't try to support the ToV furthermore.I agree that some people in this forum may have acces to more power than the ToV can offer.

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Question with some comment (Temple of the Vampire) - Page 5 Empty Re: Question with some comment (Temple of the Vampire)

Post by Jessamine 19.12.16 8:13

George Gosdas wrote:I will stop trying to support the ToV.I still think that many in this forum have no critical thinking when it comes to some topics and just accept something as fact.I won't ask anyone to have faith to what I say.If someone knew about the more advanced Vampires he or she would prove my claim about Maxx is true.Do you ask me to prove anything I say?For example I could prove Nemo was an admin even after this post but that would require me to show the private converstation I had with Nemo.

You can support it all you want. Just trying to say that you will not find here many likeminded individuals, if that is what you are looking for, belonging or converting us? And we just don't care about the ToV or nemo. Actualy when maxx mentioned Nemo I tought he is talking about the fish. So I was thinking what does a fish have to do with it. And yes i am blonde.

I tried to watch that video and all I found was a guy in a room, and it didn't compell me to watch it (his surroundings are not inviting, and that room sure looks like evil spirits haunt it) And even the video has 7 views, so i dont know. So Im like, I would rather watch make up videos and think about lipstick and my blonde hair.

And PLEASE you are caring too much what we think, like what do you careeeee. As Jonathan said, please at least take it to heart what Jonathan is saying.

And also you are starting to look like a salesperson, if you push it like that. And if that is the case, I don't care.

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Question with some comment (Temple of the Vampire) - Page 5 Empty Re: Question with some comment (Temple of the Vampire)

Post by Jessamine 19.12.16 8:25

George Gosdas wrote:Ok jonathan.I won't try to support the ToV furthermore.I agree that some people in this forum may have acces to more power than the ToV can offer.

That is a nice start. Its not about power, its about knowledge, wisdom and understaning. And other things.

Words are poison, potion and elixir.
Choose wisely which ones to drink...

Number of posts : 103
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Question with some comment (Temple of the Vampire) - Page 5 Empty Re: Question with some comment (Temple of the Vampire)

Post by Naoom 08.01.17 7:57

A friend of mine who has connections confirmed the ToV is a scam.

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Question with some comment (Temple of the Vampire) - Page 5 Empty Re: Question with some comment (Temple of the Vampire)

Post by Naoom 08.01.17 8:02

I have to also apologize for things since I was good when I was talking about the TOV.I know for certain the group is intented to make money and my friend suggested me to stay away from it for my best.I have a connection with the ToV members and while I am not the only one,any who belong to such religion or that scam felt like I did for the ToV.I am sure many would understand how I feel.

Sincerely ,Avion

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Question with some comment (Temple of the Vampire) - Page 5 Empty Re: Question with some comment (Temple of the Vampire)

Post by Naoom 08.01.17 8:03

George Gosdas wrote:since I wasn't good

Sincerely ,Avion


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Question with some comment (Temple of the Vampire) - Page 5 Empty Re: Question with some comment (Temple of the Vampire)

Post by Naoom 12.04.17 10:32

Because I don't want anyone to believe any of the things I have said on this thread I will have to admit that even a beginner on energy work could sense how emotionally unstable I was back then. However Jessamine made a very good point and she made me realize that some people are very depended on the belief of others and that alone could give them a name for others to keep their faith on and continue paying their monthly subscriptions.
Honestly, George

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